Palynostratigraphy Analysis of the Agbada Formation (Nep-1 Well) Offshore, Eastern Niger-Delta Basin, Nigeria

  • Aturamu Adeyinka O*
  • Ojo Adebayo O
  • Adebayo Olajide F. and Akinyemi Segun A
Keywords: Agbada, Niger-Delta, Palynomorph, Palynostratigraphy, Stratigraphy


Palynological analyses were carried out using 36 composite ditch cutting samples from NEP -1 well, off-shore eastern Niger Delta Nigeria. The interval studied is 1750 meters thick, belonging to the Agbada Formation; lithologically, the section varies from shaly-sand to sandy-shale to shale. Three zonal assemblage schemes have been erected; zone boundaries were placed where significant changes occurred in the abundance of the species, the proposed palynological zones are: Echiperiporites cf. estelae, Psilatricolpites okeizeis and Foeveotricolpites sp. zones; these are correlatable with the pantropical zones. Samples from the section are assigned a late Miocene to early Pliocene age based on the palynological evidences at this site.