Adequacy Of Professional Development Of English Language Teacher Educators In Primary Teachers’ Colleges: A Paradigm Shift In Kenya

  • Langat Christopher
  • Dr. Kirui Kipngetich J. E.
Keywords: English Language Teachers, Professional Development, Teacher Education, Teacher Trainers/Trainees


This study was an investigation of the professional development of English language teacher educators in Kenya Primary Teachers Colleges. The purpose and objectives of this study were to investigate the paradigm shift in nature, strategies and adequacy of professional development of language teacher educators and its implication on the teacher education for primary schools teachers in Kenya. This study was guided by Vygostky’s ZPD and Constructivism theories. Relevant to this theory is a Conceptual framework of professional development of English language teacher educators and its implication on teacher education programme. Research design guiding this study was mixed method within the philosophical paradigm of post-positivism and constructivists’ world views. The target population consists of the teacher educators and the teacher trainees. The study used questionnaires, interview schedules and observations worksheets to collect data which was later organized, analyzed using SPSS program and presented using tables, graphs and charts. The findings of this study established that there is no appropriate professional development of teacher educators of English language in Kenya’s primary teachers college. The nature of existing professional development does not bridge the gap between theory and practice and it resides within the old paradigm. There is also very limited holistic approach to professional development. The present practice has a negative implication on teacher education in Kenya. This study recommends effective professional development of teacher educators of English language among others. This revelation will help to improve the quality of English language teacher education in Kenya and other developing countries