Ade Adedokun
Functional Schools, Government Deficiency, Planning regulation
The need to educate the child the world over is a universal norm. The need is in fact seen in developing countries such as Nigeria, as a major instrument for developing the child. Education is also associated with the child’s liberty, upward liberating his mind and liberating him from the burden of colonial and of feudal experiences of his ancestors. In an effort to see Lagos State develop rapidly and educationally, an educational programme was established in the state between 1979 and 1983. This programme was to promote education in the state and to provide alternatives for the rather expensive private schools and meet the demand of the yearning. The public programme was especially meant to meet the educational needs of the poor, who could not affort the high school fees charged in private Institution.Thus the “Jakande Educational Programme” (JAP) so-named after the civilian governor of the state between 1979-1983 embarked on mass education for the citizens of the state with the main objective of bringing education to the door step of the poor through the “Free Education Scheme”, that characterised the programme. The government’ perception was that primary schools will function better when they are situated close to the homes of the students. The concept of functiona1 classrooms’ were thus conceived along with the programme..The concept of “functional classrooms”, as envisaged by JAP was full of good intentions. It was designed to have a lot of benefactors especially the children of the poor. The programme was also targeted to meet the ‘Jakande Governments campaign mandate; run the schools at minimum possible cost, provide schools that would meet minimum requirements of learning and build schools within walking distances from student’s homes. To fulfill the objectives of the ‘JEP’, there were constraints of money, space and time. A lot of land was needed. Jakande Government took maximum advantage of the Land use decree of 1978 which stipulated that all land belongs to Government; with the Federal and State governments have the legal right to allocate, dispose or grant land on short or long-term leases. The decree also allows acquisition of developed land considered useful, and for which compensation are expected to be paid. A lot of land (public and private) were acquired in different parts of the state for the programme. A survey of classrooms needed in the state was calculated at 22,000 classrooms. The scheme was thus christened “22,000 functional classrooms”. The Schools were thus meant to be functional, but how functional schools?
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the programme, using case studies with respect to location, land use, density environmental impact assessment architectural forms and materials employed in the construction of the schools