Utilization of Biology Laboratory Equipment and Students' Academic Performance in Cross River State, Nigeria

  • Ihejiamaizu C. C. and Ochui
  • I. O.
Keywords: Laboratory equipment, Student Performance, Utilization


The paper focused on Utilization of biology laboratory equipment and students’ academic performance in senior secondary schools in Cross River State, Nigeria. One null hypothesis was formulated. Literature was reviewed accordingly. Ex-post facto research design was adopted and a sample of four hundred and ninety (490) biology students was used for the study. Checklist on utilization of biology laboratory equipment and Bio achievement Test were the instruments used for data collection. To test the hypothesis, one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed. The hypothesis was subjected to testing at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that utilization of Biology laboratory equipment significantly influenced students' academic performance in Biology. Based on the finding of the study, it was recommended among others that Supervisors and inspectors from the Ministry of Education should strictly monitor the frequency of use of laboratory equipment by both teachers and students. This will ensure a hitch free utilization of the available science laboratory equipment in teaching and learning of Biology and such process will encourage students to do science of biology instead of learning about it.